My Robot Suit/ Bobb Amidon - He/Him


A soundscape composed of found sounds from The Verdancy Project property (animals, creek, wind, banging on tree stumps etc) and synthetic sounds mimicking the natural sounds.  The rhythmic cues come from the rhythm of birdsong, chicken calls, and woodpeckers. Using chance algorithms, the audio is ever-changing and will never be exactly the same twice. 

Bobb is a programmer and music producer who enjoys collecting musical instruments and old monster movie memorabilia. His new project, Greenbelt features hand-built electronics and software, thrift store finds and found sounds in addition to his usual synths and sampler. Bobb has remixed other artists, produced music for podcasts, performed sound design for consumer electronics, been a DJ for college radio, nightclubs, and raves. He has produced sound installations and experimental audio with duo Compartment, and formerly released music as Malnoia.