Donate to The Verdancy Project!

Donate today to support our mission to foster curiosity and inspire environmental stewardship. We happily accept monetary and in-kind donations. There are a variety of ways to support our mission, residents, and projects.

  • General Donations

  • Contribute to our residency scholarship fund.

  • Named/Themed Residency Scholarships - You can choose to fund a full or partial Residency Scholarship or Fellowship - $500 for a 1-week residency or $1000 for a 2-week residency. Please reach out to us directly for this option -

  • Project Donations - We produce a variety of projects including our Land Art Exhibition, Seed Swap, Pollinator Habitat, and more. Your donation will contribute to the artists involved.

  • In-Kind Donations - We are always on the lookout for a variety of art supplies and equipment for artists.

The Verdancy Project is a small family-run organization. We have a passion for supporting creatives and stewarding the earth. We do this through our residency program, community projects, creative events, and more. Your funds go directly to supporting these programs.

Donate online through the button above or you can send a check to:
The Verdancy Project
PO Box 451
Troutdale, OR 97060